Written by Lillian Frances
Super Bowl Party
Netflix + Chill
For a Good Time, Call
Do you want me live?
Bore me ‘till I die
I don’t get the zeitgeist
Coachella’s just a pricey place
To photograph your sick life
Hide behind my filter
Quick! Take a pic!
Then I’ll make it look sick-er
Damn, he’s a hit though!
Thousands on the ‘gram
Now he’s up to a kilo
Armed with a smart phone and a rockin’ torso
Sexy on the screen
But he’s boring as cardboard
I crown this guy the worst
I could count the questions
He asks me on my fingers
Great explanation!
Wow! What’d I do to deserve this narration?
Countin’ down the minutes until this shitty date ends Pullin’ out my phone when he leaves me for the restroom Sendin’ my location
Dropped a pin and now
She’s headin’ over this direction
Waitin’ for my girl to come and swoop in
Save me quick before I resort to castration
Boy I got my own sins
So fuck your fornication
50 shades of masturbation
Your pleasure is so far from my obligation
This conversation’s so far from interesting
This beer that I hold holds no more expectation
I got other boys in town that I can call for lubrication
Getting what I paid for
I’m getting what I paid for
Getting what I paid for
Getting what I paid for (x2)
I’m foaming at the mouth to play you a song
Homesick for my fretboard where I once belonged
Gin to keep my heart warm, to intoxicate
Searching for semantics while my tonic’s away
Oo I lost myself
Phone keys wallet
Is there anything else?
I’m falling out my pockets, strewn on the ground Somewhere there’s a world for my lost and not found
You ask me to remind you, I already forgot
Shuffled are the details, mismatched are all the socks
How much does free time cost?
Dust on my piano, graveyard of guitars
Acoustic amputation, make sense of the scars
An audience before me, the words were all gone
Silent is the singer, forgotten are the songs
Phone Keys Wallet
Call me often, had to make time
Cash me in boy, I’m such a dime
Under cover, like it’s a crime
Under covers, had to make time
I call the drummer, cuz he’s so fine
I kiss the drummer, in my spare time
Syncopation, rappin’ my thigh
Roll a joint so, we can stay high
Well I’m just a piece of paper
No better than a Dixie Cup
Scorin’ the ground for a pencil
Tryna fill my pages up
For better and for worse
Here’s a sure way, to feel alive
Let curiosity kill ya eight times
Well I don’t trust no sky with no moon
Cuz my stars all fall out of tune
Well I’m just a piece of paper (yep!)
No better than a Dixie Cup
Scorin’ the ground for attention
Tryna fill my ego up
For better and for worse
There’s no resting, for a sea shore
Cuz the waves gon’ always want more
And I’m a tide so I’m gonna swoon
Waver in waves, that’s what tides do
Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm
Better, Worse
Am I salty on your lips?
Well I dream you in the morning
Ah, cuz I breathe you in all night
And I write you in the sunset
I light you by my side
Lemme go with you
Should we Netflix or Chill first?
Well I thought you’d float away now
But you’re bobbing at the shore
Ah, and you play my favorite music when I come around And leave me wanting more
When I come around
When I come around
When I come around
Well you twirl my rings like Saturn
Now I’m dancing with the sun
Ah, and it might take two to tango but everyone knows
To dance it just takes one
Bailamos con en humo
Subiendo con la luna
Siguiendo sus huellas
Fumando la biblia
Qué Dios nos bendiga!
Mi nombre en cursiva
Escapa por tus labios
Pasea el oscuro
Y baila con el humo
Y bailamos con el humo
You got my heart wide open
Lemme know if you need it
You got my eyes wide open
And I like what I’m seeing
Come around more often
This is what I’ve been needing
You got my lips wide open
Lemme know if you’re breathing
Ey, tronco! El chisqueiro
Pido desde el cielo
Mientras mi cuerpo
Alcanza el infinito
Ay guapo pero guapo
Ya sé lo que quiero
Anhelo otro beso
Que queme mis huesos
I don’t have to chase reality
It always catches up to me
And I’ve wasted enough energy
On those who give no fucks
Give no fucks
Give no fucks bout me
La luna llena, bailamos con el humo (x4)
Rising with the moon
Following her footsteps
Smoking the bible
May god bless us
My name in cursive
Escapes from your lips
Passes in the dark
And dances with the smoke
And we dance with the smoke
Ey dude, the lighter!
I ask from the sky
As my body
Becomes infinite
Hey handsome (but like... handsome)
I already know what I want
I crave another kiss
That burns in my bones
The full moon, we dance with the smoke (x4)
Salt + Thirst
I'm salty cuz you fucked up my circadian rhythm
Should have let someone else buy you that damn Heineken
Salty cuz I shaved my legs for you and you didn't even feel 'em
That's a lot of surface area you ain't coverin'
Damn, she's so salty
Damn, she's so thirsty
She celebrates 420
Like it's her fucking birthday
Damn she's so, damn she's so, damn she's so...
I'm thirsty cuz I'm walking through a whole foods and these boyz organic
Leaves the car running when he gets me, like fuck the planet
Thirsty cuz I empathize with California
Don't tell me she's out of drought until she's drunk as Tijuana
Pero no puedo descansar
Con tantas cosas que quiero lograr
Me dicen eh, guapa! hay que relajar!
Pero nunca pude aguantar
Damn, boy! Is this how it's gonna be?
I coulda sworn to god and hoped to die that you were into me
My self esteem is like the Life of Pablo, it's a work in progress
I laugh, cuz I bet he's lookin' back at my ass like damn that shit is flawless
Hey boy I see you slide into my DMs
Late in the night treating me like ampm
Know what? Come to think of it I’ve had a bit more fun ever since I went and dyed my hair blonde
A guy at the party asked me girl, is it natural?
Like your mom’s tits! I replied... that ain’t factual
It took more dough than a bakery would know what to do with so I’m broke, but I got the looks to prove it
And fuck the patriots
And fuck the patriarchy
Yeah I could give a shit about you and your Tom Brady
I had a blast here at your Super Bowl Party
I’m sorry I’m not as much fun as I used to be
I don’t wonder why they talk
I just wonder what they say (x2)
I’ve encountered this phenomena every which direction
where boys talk at me and don’t ask any questions
and I’m wondering how to handle it these boys are so oblivious and I am busy I ain’t got no time for it
Ya know I don’t give a shit about your boring-ass story but your face is hella pretty and I’m really horny
I can only nod my head so much before my neck cries out in pain,
“leave this loser, get you a man with…”
SOCIAL SKILLS! We don’t all have ‘em!
I need a boy to sweep me off my feet like Aladin
Make me feel like i’m flying in the clouds like Jasmin
Like hey boy I can show you my world, sit down and listen
Cuz I’ve got so much shit to say, but I sit down to write it out and *poof* it floats away
Like my dreams are too ephemeral to live inside a pencil
They get tossed around the wind so I got good at listening
And fuck the patriots
And fuck the patriarchy
I root for Philadelphia because I like cream cheese
I had a blast here at your Super Bowl Party
I'm sorry I'm not as much fun as I used to be
As I used to be, as I used to be, was I ever?
I don't wonder why they talk, I just wonder what they say... (x2)
How picky do I need to be?
I ask myself as he talks incessantly
Yeah he’s cute and he went to an Ivy League
And likes dogs and his mom and photography
But I’m concerned about his use of apostrophes
And if he can use their and there correctly
and oh no! did he just use the word pussy to mean weak?
If I kicked you in the balls right now boy you’d scream
There’s no debate which could take a pounding
And if you weren’t aware we’re in 2018
More red flags then you’d find in Pyeongchang
If this were the olympics you’d be Russia in the games
Half mast baby cuz you’re dead to me
I’m done fucking boys in their early 20’s
Damn! I ain’t got no time for your immaturity!
I am confident as fuck so fuck your insecurities and…
And fuck the patriots
And fuck the patriarchy
Let's be honest I'm just here to smoke all of your weed
I had a blast here at your Super Bowl Party
I'm sorry I'm not as much fun as I used to be
I rattle my tongue at you, but you don't flinch.
I cannot roll my Rs, like I'm supposed to
I never felt so far, miss being local
I cannot roll my tongue, like I'm supposed to
My words are stuck like gum, beneath the table
I don't wanna leave my room, but I'm supposed to
I smoke all afternoon, it's something to do
I wish my jokes would land, they're all just laughing at me
I must speak with my hands, cuz they don't understand me
I don't wanna clean my room, and I'm not gonna
I drown in my perfume, and Spanish marijuana
I cannot roll my tongue, like I'm supposed to
I cannot roll my tongue, like I'm supposed to
I rattle my tongue at you but you don't flinch.
High interpretations
Feeling your vibrations
One conversation
One more damn temptation
We could be classic
You could be classic
This could be classic
We could be classic
You must be classic.
Next comes hesitation
Throwin' me off like syncopation
Hear my orchestration
Don't need no translation
Gravestone Feel
Babe you know I got that Gravestone Feel
I’ma run run run till I break my heels
Whatcha doin? You should join me
Got a long ride ahead and I could use some company
I got six strings, ten fingers, ten toes
And I’ma run these soles as far as they can go, cause
I’m a string, an instrument, a chime
And who am I to think that the time that ticks is mine?
Hey, running to my gravestone quick
Running to the angels, hey
Running till my ankles click
Running from my anger, hey
Running to my gravestone quick
Running straight to danger, hey
Running form the same ol’ shit
Run run run run run
So, how you like me now that I’m free?
You know you could come along, run run your feet
So, follow me or in place you will be
The cards are in your hands you can change your destiny
Cause ashes, ashes, we all fall down
Truth is all my heroes are living underground
But, what’s the point of me running so fast
Got the dirt between my toes and I want it to last
Bathtub Madonna
I will never be your bathtub madonna
Resting in between the flora and fauna
Pulling out my knife to carve me a new name
From this moment on I swear I’m not the same
Stay still, visions from my window sill
Inside the body experiences got me
Feeling like a brand new human and
I want to run away with the moon
I’ll be back by next June
Let’s take stutter steps, I’ll readily accept your offer,
Cause it isn’t often that I see you around
These parts, welcome to town
We’re our own surround sound
Show me how you get down
What’s a prima donna?
Is that a good thing?
Roll the windows down and give me a new name